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pH, Conductivity
      & Dissolved Oxygen

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In the field of pH, ORP, Ion, Conductivity and Dissolved Oxygen, Mitel offers a completes solution for your application and budget.


Whatever you need to measure, be it pH, ORP, ion concentration, conductivity or dissolved oxygen (DO, BOD), METTLER TOLEDO with its long-term experience provides you with the support you need. Our focus is on high quality products combined with simple, intuitive operation and ergonomic design. The comprehensive product portfolio covers the most varied electrochemical applications in all sectors and offers solutions both for complex applications subject to regulatory control as well as for simple routine measurements.






pH Meter

Benchtop and portable meters accurately measure pH, conductivity, ion concentration, ORP, and dissolved oxygen applications.

Analytical Sensors

Our high-quality sensors cover a wide range of applications and measurement parameters including pH, ORP, conductivity, ion and dissolved oxygen.

pH Standard Solutions

Calibration, verification, and maintenance solutions ensure high precision and uptime in pH, ORP, conductivity, ion and DO readings.

pH Software and Automation

pH software and automation solutions for higher productivity, obtain more reliable pH results, and support solid compliance.

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